Zoom Online & In-Person Classes


In-Person Class Schedule

The in-person classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at our previous studio location on the third floor of 316 East Mitchell (which is now under the purview of the Crooked Tree Dance program).

The yoga studio is a large airy room with multiple windows, a fan, and an air purifier. You are welcome to wear a mask, it is optional.

Besides being together, a big plus for the studio is the rope wall, and I intend to make use of it in most classes! Each person puts up their own ropes as we set up for class, and takes them down at the end of class. We will help you learn how to do this.

Classes are on a rolling admission basis, you can start anytime
There will be no zoom or in person classes between February 6th and February 12th.
There will also be a break in classes March 13-17th.

Tuesday In Person:
9-10:30 am Level 2 and up

11-12:00 pm Beginners and Advanced Beginners Level 1-2

Thursday In Person:
9-10:30 am Level 2 and up

11-12:00 pm Beginner and Experienced Beginner

Pay in person or mail it using the prices below or buy classes here by card, (there is an upcharge built into those prices for use of the card)

Prices for check or in person payment
1-       90 minute class - $20
8 -     90 minute classes - $125 ($15.60/class)
12 -   90 minute classes -$180 ($14/class)
20 -   90 minute classes - $260 ($13/class)

1 -     60 minute class - $15
10 -     60 minute classes - $120 ($12/class)
20 -   60 minute classes - $220 ($11/class)

Important Information about In-Person Classes:

For inclement weather, the in person classes may be zoomed. This announcement will be given via the newsletter, not the website, so all students should sign up on the homepage to receive it.

The prices will be for either 60 or 90 minutes whether it's for Zoom or in person. However, if you are attending in person, each person pays for class separately (families may share a Zoom class). Any class you bought on Zoom is good for an in- person class and vice versa.

To attend as a new student call or email Mary to determine which class you should attend and to receive any updates on the schedule. If you own a yoga mat, bring it, although there are mats and other equipment available to borrow at the studio.

Drop ins are allowed, but call or email ahead to be sure you are in the right class and it is happening. All yoga students do not have to register for a particular day, but can come on either Tuesday or Thursday any week. Previous North Woods Yoga students or students from another Iyengar Yoga program are welcome to drop in, but calling or emailing is recommended to be sure class is happening.

Email: maryreilly36@gmail.com
Phone: (231) 526-5041


Rather than go through an unwieldy registration process each time, you are asked to keep track of class usage yourself.

Mary recommends a sticky note on your computer as your "class card," checking off each class as you take it and renewing your card when they are used up. (If you want Mary to keep track for you contact her on email to set this up. It’s a different system so it has to be set up for future classes.)

If something comes up and you can’t attend class, don’t count it. Your classes are not counted by how many codes you request.

You and the members of your household may use the same class punch to take class. If you are taking classes in person, each person uses a punch off the card.

If you have lost or diminished income, due to COVID-19 or other circumstances, please let Mary know and she can make the classes happen for you.